A coaching process may be the best answer when you are facing a crossroad in your life, either personal or professional. If you are feeling lost and you are searching for your “calling”; or if you are having a setback or a hard time managing your energy, time or motivation, coaching is the right solution for you. Not an easy one, though!

The phases of our lives are very diverse and I bet you also feel sometimes that you are in a roller-coaster, not knowing when it will stop or who you will become at the end of the journey.

I am here for you, if you wish to learn how to be in control; how to enjoy the ride and also how to discover where the “emergency button” is.

As a Professional Coach I am working on topics such as: motivation, self-confidence, lifestyle, personal style, time-management, career change and other life aspects. I like to explore together with my clients, to help them develop their maximum potential, identify and access their personal resources and challenge them to achieve the most daring objectives, by overcoming the obstacles that get in the way and by challenging their limiting beliefs.

If you want to get in touch and explore what approach suites you best, please contact me.

How long is a coaching process?

The length of the process depends on the final goal and it will be decided during the first coaching session.

The coaching sessions frequency will also be decided during the first meeting. The options are: weekly; bimonthly; monthly or quarterly, depending on client’s goal.

My guarantees

Confidentiality, professionalism, trust, listening, presence, challenges, questions, support, mirroring.

No judging! No assumptions! No leading!

Experience your first FREE coaching session!

I’m inviting you start the journey to yourself, so that you can congratulate yourself for taking the first step towards reaching your true potential.

Life coaching (1 on 1 coaching sessions)

A coaching process is just perfect for your if:

– You find yourself at a cross road in your professional life and if you want to discover what you really want to do
– You have a goal but you don’t know how to reach it
– You find it hard to manage your time and your activities
– You do not feel comfortable in your own skin and you want to rediscover yourself
– You wish you could enhance your work performance or your personal projects
– You are searching for a new hobby or passion
– You want to give up bad habits and cultivate new, benefic ones
– You lack the energy and motivation to pursue what you wish for
– You feel that you need to improve the relationships with people that surround you
– You want to discover and honor your personal beliefs

Business & Executive Coaching (1 on 1 coaching sessions)

“Executives and HR managers know coaching is the most potent tool for inducing lasting personal change.” – Ivey Business Journal

A coaching process designed for companies and business professionals
Business coaching is the process of helping a company or business team achieve greater clarity, focus and results. It is similar to life coaching but it takes place in a business setting and opposed to being focused on an individual’s goals, it is typically centred around the goals of the business as a whole and its success.
Executive coaching will ensure that you achieve the strategic outcomes critical to achieving your professional career goals. Through professional business coaching you can elevate your successes, learn from mistakes, and maintain your focus on getting results quickly.

The business and executive coaching process starts and ends with a diagnose and a plan. Let’s get in touch if you want to find the best way to grow (both your company and your employees).